
Are Cremation Services Better for the Environment?

Poole Funeral Home & Cremation Services • Sep 12, 2022

Many people these days are trying to make more responsible choices when it comes to the environment. Cremation services can be more eco-friendly than burial.

cremation services near Acworth, GA

Many people in this day and age are trying to make more responsible decisions when it comes to the environment. From the cars that they drive to the appliances in their homes, people are becoming more and more aware of how their actions can affect the planet. This can even be as far-reaching as what we choose for our final arrangements. Whether you choose traditional burial or cremation services near Acworth, GA, you can take steps to ensure your negative impact is lessened.

One of the biggest ways that traditional burial can impact the planet is land use. Cemeteries take up significant amounts of land, and many have become overcrowded over the years. While some people are still buried after being cremated, their ashes take up much less space, with the potential for multiple family members to be lain in the same plot.

Another unfortunate aspect of traditional burial is the releasing of harmful chemicals into the soil. Embalming is a common practice prior to burial, and it uses substances that are harmful and toxic, such as formaldehyde. These can then slowly be released into the soil after burial. Additionally, many caskets are made with wood that has been treated to slow the process of deterioration. The chemicals used to treat the wood are typically toxic, as well. As you might imagine, cremation does not involve the use of any of these chemicals. Even if the person was embalmed prior to cremation, the substances will not enter the soil later on. Fortunately, if a person wishes to be buried, there are more and more options available for a “greener” burial, as well.

Something else that can be seen as an issue with traditional burial is the use of resources and valuable materials that it requires. Many caskets are made from hard woods and metals, some of which will never break down in the ground. There are sources that say that in some cemeteries, there is enough hard wood buried to build an entire neighborhood’s worth of homes. With cremation, all these materials are not necessary and can be used in other ways.

With all of this being said, cremation does have its own drawbacks to consider. The process emits harmful greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, which are known to contribute to accelerating climate change. Additionally, many people are coming up with ways to have more eco-friendly burials, often by skipping embalming and purchasing caskets made from untreated wood.

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to which method of disposition you choose for yourself or your loved one. Each family will have its own customs and preferences to follow, and these will help lead you to a decision. As more people become aware of how their actions affect the planet, many of them are trying to make more responsible choices. One way you might be able to do this is by choosing cremation services near Acworth, GA, for your final arrangements. To learn more about your options, simply call your funeral home and cremation service provider, and they can help.

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