
How to Plan Reception After Funeral

Poole Funeral Home & Cremation Services • Apr 04, 2022

After a funeral, there is typically a gathering where everyone can eat together. You can plan it according to your budget and the number of people attending.

funeral home near Marietta, GA

Amid the stress of planning a funeral and burial, certain aspects sometimes get overlooked. One thing that you don’t always think of at first when planning a funeral is where everyone will go after it’s all over. Many times, family and friends will be ready for a meal and ready to wind down after a long and difficult day. You may want to hold it at your funeral home near Marietta, GA, or you may want to find a different venue. Deciding how to plan it will come down to your budget and how many people will be coming.

Key Takeaways:

Deciding how to plan the post-funeral reception will come down to your budget and how many people will be coming. Here are some suggestions when it comes to organizing a reception after a funeral.

  • Hold it at your home or the home of a friend or family member.
  • Have the post-funeral reception at a restaurant.
  • Catering is also an option that allows you and everyone else not to have to worry about cooking.

There are several different routes you can go as far as venue and food. One option is to hold it at your home or the home of a friend or family member. This has certain pros and cons. You will save money by not having to book a reception hall, but you’ll also be faced with having to host everyone and clean up afterwards. Hopefully you can enlist the help of family and friends so that it’s not such an overwhelming task. When it comes to food in this situation, there are a couple different ways you can go. You can have a potluck style dinner, where everyone brings a passing dish to share. Alternatively, you can have it catered. Obviously, one of those options will be more costly than the other, but catering allows you and everyone else to not have to worry about cooking. Hosting the reception in a home might be a good option if there is only a small amount of people that will be coming.

If you don’t want to hold it in you or someone else’s home, you have some other options. Many funeral homes and places of worship have gathering halls that can be utilized. Depending on the place, you may have to pay a fee to use this room. However, there will be tables and chairs and places for everyone to sit and eat. The options for food here are similar to above. You can either have a potluck-style dinner, or you can order food and bring it in. This option is also nice because it can be held in the same place that the funeral took place, so that people don’t have to travel afterwards to a different location.

Another option is to have the post-funeral reception at a restaurant. You could either rent out a banquet room, or make a reservation for a larger table, depending on how many people are coming. This can take most of the responsibility off you when it comes to cooking and cleaning up. However, it may not be the most inexpensive way to go.

The post-funeral reception may not always be the first thing you think of when planning a funeral, but it’s an important aspect. Your funeral home near Marietta, GA, may be able to provide a venue for everyone to gather, or you might choose to hold it somewhere else. Either way, it’s an opportunity for everyone to get together in a more informal setting, catch up, and reminisce together about the one they have lost.

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